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Twelthe months of pandemic

A look back and forward.

February 6 marks the anniversary of my professional involvement with Covid19. A phone call on the way home said there was an immediate need for action. I was already in my first Covid19 crisis communication mandate.

Looking back, I feel as I'm sure we all do: For the life of me, I couldn't imagine all that happened next. I will never forget the images of the empty places of this world: no one in Times Square. No one at the Trevi Fountain. The hoarding toilet paper buyers or the president recommending disinfectant are indelible in my memory.

Covid19 has taught me to no longer think anything is impossible. For better or for worse.

It doesn't just change the big picture. The pandemic affects every hour of everyday life. How we work, how our children are taught or study, how and with whom we meet and under what conditions, when we are allowed to go or travel where. I can cope with many restrictions, but I also find many of them to be a massive hindrance. I am a very freedom-loving person with a high sense of justice. That's why I can only endure the ongoing restriction of my freedom - a non-negotiable value for me and, thank God, for this country - because there is something I see as equal: The integrity of the people and the protection of the weak.

I am ready to continue to contribute. But I expect those in responsibility to deal with all aspects of what is happening here right now. That opinions and counter-opinions are heard, as is the democratic custom. That we are informed quickly, transparently, honestly and comprehensively. That decision-makers also take into account and appreciate the emotional and financial damage they are inflicting on us and the generations that follow us. I see a real need to catch up, especially in terms of communication.

What do you think: Are we on the whole on the right course? Or should we radically rethink? From what I see, I can only say: Unfortunately, our governments and administrations now too often lack the courage and the will to have a Helmut Schmidt moment - just do it. Not administering, but shaping.

For my job and for the companies I advise, I think: Those who design now will be better prepared when the pandemic is over. Covid19 has sort of "forced" us to make a lot of changes - what do we want to change or keep? How do we work on what in the future? What lessons do we learn from the crisis, where do we perhaps need to prepare differently or better? If you want to think about this in a structured way I am happy to help.

I have also published this post on LinkedIn. Follow the link and you will see what reactions I have received: