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  • Product communication generates material value by creating awareness. It contributes to customers preferring you.
  • Change communication is an essential lever in the transformation process, through which your employees feel connected to the goal of the journey and give their best
  • Through crisis communication, you build trust when the time comes.
  • With communication, you can become a leader in that topic or demonstrate innovation potential, thereby securing your development opportunities.
  • Communication creates intangible values, such as a reputation or a brand identity. 

Good advice in all these areas always starts with a look at the target group and the origin of the task. The more you tell me about your way of working, your corporate culture, your previous content and media, the better my advice and your success can be in the future.

For the analyses, I use your material or apply new, appropriate tools:

  • Focus Group Surveys,
  • Stakeholder mapping,
  • Persona analyses,
  • SWOT analysen,
  • Benchmarking,
  • media portfolio analyses or
  • communication touchpoint analyses could be used here.

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communicates. Here I work, for example, with a communication target house, a topic pyramid or a message house. The result is a concept. Even under time pressure and in difficult situations, this is necessary and possible. Customers and colleagues say about me: I listen carefully and then propose the appropriate measure. I will not come to you with "Schema F - always succeeds". 

Communication is always cause and effect
Paul Watzlawik