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Who reads news?

Who uses which media? Study on News Use and Competence.

Do young people use news from the traditional media to inform themselves?

I put this question to my students for a vote in a lecture at the end of April. The answer: none of 16 "very often," three clicked "often," six chose "neutral," five "rather seldom," two "not at all. The ladies and gentlemen are studying marketing management.

Of course, this was not representative, but scary enough.

Therefore, good news for me what I read today in the KressReport: The "Deutsche Presse Agentur" dpa, together with the Hamburg Senate (and others), has announced three important projects in this context under the heading #UseTheNews: "a baseline study to research news use and literacy in the digital world; a News Literacy Lab, where media formats for young people are to be improved and developed; and a curriculum to promote news literacy in schools."

Click here to read more (in German only).

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