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Better than the reputation

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Better than the reputation
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Better than the reputation
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: "Strategic framing" has a bad reputation because of its assumed manipulative effect. Yet it is basically normal that we humans relate all perceptions to what we know.

When and how does this become a strategic activity and how should it be evaluated? In preparation for my new Master's course, I came across an interesting textbook on this topic: "Strategisches Framing" by Michael Oswald, published in 2019. It offers a good orientation in this subject area.

I will also discuss this topic with my students because it offers positive opportunities for the profession of "Communication". After all, you can also "frame" topics in the right light. Framed well, one can mediate between people and organizations, generating long-term support.

In order to frame well, meaning responsibly, you have to know something about this mechanism and reflect on it every day. And you have to pay close attention to the (written and spoken) word.

Which frames are used and how do they work? The Süddeutsche Zeitung writes about this in a "framing check".

Therefore I take up here again the Unwort yearly "climatic hysteria". Here the concern about our planet was linked with a word that describes elsewhere a neurotic disorder. The word has its origin in the old Greek (hystéra), and means there Uterus.
I can't tell you how stupid I think this word is. And I hope they don't call me hysterical now.

#knowledge #strategy #communication #worthreading


Cite equally

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Cite equally
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Cite equally
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: How often are women mentioned in the media compared to men?

On the occasion of International Women's Day, "Der Spiegel" counted how often women were mentioned in 40,000 articles and how often men were mentioned. The result: 107,000 mentions of men versus 28,000 mentions of women. “Der Spiegel” comments self-critically in the direction that the proportion of women in the world is 50 percent, so this 50 percent should also be found in the mentions.

Yes, sure, on the one hand. On the other hand, “Der Spiegel” often puts its finger in the wound and reports on things that are going badly and wrongly. It's good when women don't make up half of it

Away from that: I wish us all on the occasion of today a world in which things are fairly distributed. For all the great people out there, that would only be good.


Climate hysteria

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Climate hysteria
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Climate hysteria
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: ... is the unword of the year 2019, and rightly so.
... is the unword of the year 2019, and rightly so.

In my eyes this choice is a good one, because to link the justified concern for life on our planet with the word "hysteria" is a completely inadmissible defamation. This kind of framing is unacceptable!


Click here for the webpage with more information in German language.


Communication for game changers

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Communication for game changers
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Communication for game changers
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Game changers, business punks, corporate rebels of this world, we need people like you!

We need to think (also) "out of the box" for change, be innovative and start revolutions. To ensure that we don't fail miserably, we need the right communication strategy. Otherwise, we may mix up our own courage and speed with that of the organization.

Anne M. Schüller wrote an inspiring summary of how this can work in the current issue of "managerseminare". She sheds light on the fact that every groundbreaking idea needs allies, why the "why" is so important and in which steps you can get from a raw idea to a sparkling diamond. Definitely worth reading!

My addition and summary: It simply requires empathetic, patient and ongoing communication. On all channels and in person.

#communication #change #power sense



  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Communication-Coach
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Communication-Coach
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Management, executives and employees all communicate every day, internally and externally. The ideal situation is when they all do so in the interest of the organization.

Communication can be the coach: "Communication Business Partner" is the name of the concept. In the May 2021 issue of pressesprecher magazine, Prof. Dr. Annika Schach and Thomas Lüdeke describe the role as follows: "In addition, they are advisors who enable departments to make better business decisions, for example, by explaining opportunities and risks derived from monitoring public opinion. They analyze and interpret the expectations of internal and external stakeholders and incorporate overall social trends into their considerations." Click here, when you want to go to the article.

I would be very grateful if the attitude behind the concept becomes more and more common in practice. My practical recommendation: communicators should contribute their view to every decision. Because it's not the decision that makes the impact, it only comes about through an exchange process with the recipient of the message.

#commmunication #empower #makessense


Done for 2021

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Done for 2021
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Done for 2021
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Work for 2021 is done, the inbox is empty. It feels good and it's about time.

Looking back, 2021 was marked by unexpectedly big challenges. Looking ahead, I will continue to do everything I can in 2022 to shape the future of organizations and our coexistence through communication. To do this, I would like to continue to have people in a good network at my side - gladly and hopefully soon again with more "real" encounters.

Where it took place, thank you for the exchange, the conversations and the cooperation in the past year. Connections were and are valuable and meaningful for me because they enrich me and broaden my horizons. My promise: We will make up for every missed meeting!

For the end of the year, I wish you and yours happy holidays, a relaxing time and a good start into the new year. Enjoy and enjoy very much of what is important to you and yours.

Please stay, stay healthy!

Juliane Hollenhorst

#seasonsgreetings #christmas #makesense


Feed confidence

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Feed confidence
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Feed confidence
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: A sad 1st Advent because many things are not as they should be.

I have it nice at home and everyone around me is healthy, but for too many it is different. I don't even want to think about those who are fighting for their lives in the intensive care units and the people who are there for them. The minority of the unvaccinated, who I think contribute significantly to this situation, are taking the majority of the vaccinated in hostage, as I see it. That cannot be right.

Still, keep hope, don't give up the efforts to convince, keep going. Feed confidence with biscuits and candles.


More Communication

Filter bubble does good

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Filter bubble does good
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Filter bubble does good
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Thanks to my surfing and search habits, I get what's important to me displayed. Think Siemens.

The thought of pre-selected messages and ads tailored to my wishes irritates me. I don't want to live in my own #filter bubble.

Or do I want to? Because that way I get to see what's most important to me and don't have to worry about missing anything?

In an article for "pressesprecher", Dr. Anna-Lisa Becher introduces the "Coffee Mug", a format in internal communication at Siemens. The company produces 1,000 messages a day worldwide, she writes. Employees can now put together a format in which technology makes an individual feed from internal and external sources.

In the pilot group, she says, fear of missing out has decreased and satisfaction has increased. I'll have to think about that for myself: Actually, it's also valuable if I don't have to notice everything!?

Clieck here for the article (in German language only).


Is this art...

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Is this art...
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Is this art...
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: or can it go? Ten years of bachelor theses...

..went back to FHM Mittelstand today for data protection-compliant document destruction.

Some of the work was really impressive. I remember one candidate who studied the impact of crisis communications on a particular issue in one location - she created a survey that was actually representative because she got the population figures and microcensus for the city and kept ringing doorbells with her questionnaire until she had a representative set of data. The only exam out of more than 60 that I graded with the highest grade and 100 points.

The low point was a paper that I was actually able to expose as plagiarism. That someone is trying to cheat a grade really annoyed me, because all (other) candidates and the examiners put a lot of work into it.

I was a bit sentimental because, above all, there are more than 60 people whom I was able to accompany on their way in the completion of their training - with some I am still in contact today. All still accompany my good thoughts and best wishes!

#bachelor #exam #fhmittelstand #making sense


News in miniature

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: News in miniature
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  News in miniature
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: What I want to say has to fit on a cell phone screen.

"International communication" was on the curriculum today. On which channel do I have to send what and how if I want to be heard?

Very interesting on this subject: The "Digital News Report 2020" by the Reuters Institute. 80,000 online news users from 40 countries were surveyed about how they consume news, how they pass it on and who they trust.

Two results in brief: In Europe, North and South America, and Asia, the smartphone (in the countries surveyed) now tops the list of channels to which I tailor my news.

And, 40 percent of all respondents worldwide are concerned about misinformation from... well, guess what? - Politicians.

Go here for the study


TikTok for my business?

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: TikTok for my business?
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  TikTok for my business?
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: No, that's what I decided today. But "yes" for those of my clients who want to be in direct contact with the young target group.

When and how does this become a strategic activity and how should it be evaluated? In preparation for my new Master's course, I came across an interesting textbook on this topic: "Strategisches Framing" by Michael Oswald, published in 2019. It offers a good orientation in this subject area.

I will also discuss this topic with my students because it offers positive opportunities for the profession of "Communication". After all, you can also "frame" topics in the right light. Framed well, one can mediate between people and organizations, generating long-term support.

In order to frame well, meaning responsibly, you have to know something about this mechanism and reflect on it every day. And you have to pay close attention to the (written and spoken) word.

Which frames are used and how do they work? The Süddeutsche Zeitung writes about this in a "framing check".

Therefore I take up here again the Unwort yearly "climatic hysteria". Here the concern about our planet was linked with a word that describes elsewhere a neurotic disorder. The word has its origin in the old Greek (hystéra), and means there Uterus.
I can't tell you how stupid I think this word is. And I hope they don't call me hysterical now.

#knowledge #strategy #communication #worthreading


Who reads news?

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: Who reads news?
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN:  Who reads news?
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Who uses which media? Study on News Use and Competence.

Do young people use news from the traditional media to inform themselves?

I put this question to my students for a vote in a lecture at the end of April. The answer: none of 16 "very often," three clicked "often," six chose "neutral," five "rather seldom," two "not at all. The ladies and gentlemen are studying marketing management.

Of course, this was not representative, but scary enough.

Therefore, good news for me what I read today in the KressReport: The "Deutsche Presse Agentur" dpa, together with the Hamburg Senate (and others), has announced three important projects in this context under the heading #UseTheNews: "a baseline study to research news use and literacy in the digital world; a News Literacy Lab, where media formats for young people are to be improved and developed; and a curriculum to promote news literacy in schools."

Click here to read more (in German only).

#education #education #news #communication #future #digital #usethenews


How to undermine an opponent

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: How to undermine an opponent
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN: How to undermine an opponent
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: Weaken somebody through meeting sabotage - reality, not fiction.

Waste of resources in endless and unproductive meetings, who doesn't know that.

I was therefore very amused to think that this could be intentional - the deliberate sabotage of one country's organizations by another intelligence agency.

In 1944, the CIA's predecessor, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) left instructions in a manual for simple sabotage for just that: talk as long as possible, insist on postponing decisions or forming a task force, bring in irrelevant topics.... and some more.

Don't think so? Then click here. Also, to keep the spies out, here are a few tricks for productive meetings.

Thanks to #DarkHorseInnovation for this newsletter.

I'm saying goodbye to vacation and will be back for you on 07/09/20!

#beagil #digitaletransformation #change #newwork


How was it?

  • Titel des Beitrags EN: How was it?
  • Kachelbild hochladen 16:9 EN: How was it?
  • Teaser Macht Sinn EN: I am asked. "What's next for you?" I've heard a few times. My answer in this post.

I am asked. "What's next for you?" I've heard a few times. My answer in this post.
It was important, valuable and groundbreaking. Both privately and professionally." And, "Basically, my life remains as it is. But a lot of things I hope to do differently in the future.

#valuable: I can feel the value of the time I had. Time to relax, enjoy, reflect, get to the bottom of things. To approach and deal with people in peace. Doing everything to the end until I'm really done with it. Being able to stop, look at things and really process what I'm seeing and experiencing. I feel infinitely rich thanks to this time, inspired for my life and work.

#important: I feel good again. Now that I realize what energy feels like, I also know that nothing was going right in April. It won't go there again, that's what I promised myself.

#pathing: I will continue to work in communications and I will still like to work with the teams that I have known and appreciated for years. I'm happy to stay in Isselhorst and happy to have the man by my side. What I will do differently sounds banal: Set smart priorities. Not taking the difficulties of my crisis and change projects into my private life. No longer trying to do everything at once. Open up, trust and give up responsibility. Cut off old habits and only invest energy in people who are willing to give energy back. Only participate in discussions that I think are meaningful and to which I can really contribute.

I will not fill a new self-help guidebook with these thoughts. Because, unfortunately, the written word did little for me - I had to go out and do it. I changed place, time, and thoughts, and in doing so, changed my future. Even though I am still exactly the person I have always been.
I'm also looking forward to real exchanges. I will contribute a few stories from my time out related to my job. Let`s stay tuned and work together!

#timeout2022 #machtsinn